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International Forum Africa Development 2024, Here we invest!

International Forum Africa Development 2024, Here we invest!

The 7th edition of the International Africa Development Forum (FIAD 2024), organized by the Attijariwafa bank group, was held on June 27 and 28, 2024, in Casablanca, Morocco around the theme “Here, we invest”.

A reference platform for business meetings on African soil, FIAD 2024 took on the challenge of offering reflections on the continent's economic development issues, and of catalyzing growth opportunities through the creation of structured relationships between companies on the continent. continent.

Bringing together more than 2,200 economic operators, institutions and government officials from around thirty countries, FIAD 2024 was structured as follows: Opening ceremony, B to B sessions, Plenaries, Investment market (Country stand, presentation of structuring and B to G projects) and closing ceremony with presentation of South-South Cooperation trophies and Young Entrepreneur trophies.